
R13's favourite songstress The Glass Child, releases her new single Letdown ahead of a new album to be released early next year and an EP that will be released just before Christmas and once again she has proven what an immense talent in writing, singing and (along with the rest of the band) playing.

As always with The Glass Child's songs, you get a story which is real to life and is one big roller coaster of emotions. Each song is clearly written from her heart and nothing is left behind. As the title suggests, it is about the singers fears within life and strong lyrics like "Have to find a way to be the best of me, failure scares the hell out of me". Throw in the powerful music, combining soft for anguished feelings to the hard for the angry emotions and you have all the makings of a classic.

The Glass Child has promised that the EP later this year will come with an ebook detailing her journey on the music road, which promises an insight into this amazing creative mind and we can't wait to have a look inside as well as the promise of more musical goodness.