Bush Live!

They've toured all over the world and sold millions of albums, but with the release of Live! you can now have Bush live in your living room.

Having hit a 21 year milestone in their career, Bush could have become a little stale, but Live! proves otherwise, the band are energetic and ooze passion, and the crowd reaction shows they are truly adored. The level of admiration is most noticeable when Gavin Rossdale is free from his guitar and dives into the crowd, sending all the women (and a lot of the men) into a frenzy, hugging and high-fiving people as he does a lap of the venue.

Their set list at the gig filmed at the Roseland Theater in Portland was pretty diverse and included tracks such as The Sound Of Winter, All Night Doctors and Glycerine. Having never seen Bush live, I did not realise how much heavier their music sounds live in comparison to the recorded version, all their songs sound great and have a raw edge.

Although quality of the recording is high, there are no flashy filming techniques or effects which is awesome because it doesn't distract from the band's performance. Added effects or fancy camera moves and cuts would have taken away the gritty, raw quality of the band's performance, which is shown perfectly on this DVD.

If you're a Bush fan this DVD is a must have, if you're not Live! is still well worth checking out. It highlights just why Bush have become one of the most successful bands of the last couple of decades.