Retro peace and love

The year is 1962 and everyone is talking above peace and love. Flowers and garish colours populate our thoughts, our vision and our perspective on life. Our hair is long and shaggy, and barbers are having a rough time. Beads and beards are cool, and everything is just plain groovy . . . unfortunately, it is 2005, not 1962, so although the beauty of this song cannot be denied, it is certainly dated.

The Stands are a great band who draw on influences from bands like The Beatles and Mix T with vocals that sound a little like Bob Dylan. Having already heard their album, for me this isn't one of their stronger songs, although, that said, it has the happy innocence of a song written for nostalgic summers, and this could well be the hidden ace.

With a gentle jazz drumbeat, the melodic peeps of guitar and trumpet blasts, it's layered well. The lyrics also have a touch of a fallacy about them but delivered in a smooth croon.

All in all Liverpudlian band The Stands deliver a nice simple song which does the job as a nostalgic mid tempo ballad that somehow got lost in the sixties and reappeared today...