'Sedimente' provides this reviewer with many muddy sounds

Oddly enough, after 10 years and many small vinyl releases, German Grindpunkers Wojcezch have finally got around to releasing their debut album 'Sedimente' and you really do think "Why?" Whilst this music might be simply incendiary live, inspiring to those who share their politics of nihilism or simply good for scaring away small animals; listening to it recreationally, for me, is not possible. Whilst Wozczech are passionate about what they do, what they do isn't worth getting passionate over.

Bellowed vocals, grinding guitars (as one would expect), drums that sound more like an avalanche than a rhythm all combine to make this into exactly what one would expect from a band who describe themselves as "Grind". Whilst we are promised shades of "hardcore", "death metal" and "punk", the only thing I would find after much patient searching in this CD is a sledgehammer of music. Whilst I can appreciate the dynamics of a hard hitting, brutal sound, when the fuzzy roar in your ear makes you wonder if your headphones are working properly you have to pause and think if this band have really got the point.

Whilst I do try to always find something worth praising or recognizing as good in any album, with 'Sedimente' this is quite simply not an easy task. I often got the feeling there was something missing in me, something that would help unlock how this screaming cat's death of music is appealing to all but the most ardent of fans that would make everything clear. Perhaps this CD is the very definition of niche appeal. Perhaps this CD is not very good.

Lyrics? For all the love in the world, I could not tell you anything about the lyrcis. Regardless of the fact that they are performed in (presumably) German the screaming, bellowing, grunting and roaring is so incomprehensible I imagine even our continental friends have little idea of what this band are actually trying to put across in their music besides some sort of misanthropy.

I wish I had something nice to say, something positive to end on but I really don't. Not once in these 24 minutes of Grindpunk did I find anything I could really imagine myself revisiting for the purpose of enjoyment. Whilst it seems bad spirited to simply have nothing good to say about this music, sometimes it's the only choice one has. In the end you wish that 'Sedimente' had not been pulled out from the dregs.