Could they be the new Billy Talent? Do we need a new Billy Talent?

The Motorettes are nothing new, trying to renew what made Billy Talent exciting without realising it was the very fact that whatever it was, was momentary. So we're left with this fast-paced sprawl through a few minutes of forgettable hard pop-punk, a genre that surely by now must be on its last legs. With the arrival of the Arctic Monkeys on the scene, the near future will see their kind of music being jumped on and pumped out by all and sundry; it's just not the time for this stuff to be coming up...

'Super Heartbeats' starts well enough and is completely ruined by its chorus, which is a dark shade of shite. It sounds rushed and unequal, out of place with the rest of the song. The whole track's palpable but nothing more, and this song certainly does not live up to the pretentious adage in the press release: 'don't be stylish, be timeless.' It's neither, it's average.