Not Just A Pretty Face
Continuing on from where debut single 'I Know' left off, Lunar Mile return with '4AM', another stomper in a classic rock mould and is sure to add to the bands growing fan-base.
A lot of acts who have a strong female vocalist regularly release singles which emphasise their singers range and the interplay shown by Toni-Marie is clearly a major selling point of Lunar Mile. At the end of the verse lines when she calls and answers her own vocal questioning, highlights an emerging talent that is bound for a wider audience. Aside from the vocal performance, the lyrics make a name for themselves, none more so than a charming use of the word 'flipping', a word vastly underused in the lexicon of popular music. Perhaps hip hoppers, metal-heads and rappers should acquaint themselves with this term and give us all a rest from their constant profanities.
The squealing feedback nearing the end of this track is most impressive as is the 1980's sounding synthesiser-like, mechanical riff. Overall, some of the instrumentation doesn't make a push for the front and the bass and drums seem happy to sit in the background and passively drive the song along with the vocals and guitar taking centre stage, this isn't a problem and prevents overcrowding and with only two singles in, it's likely a full album will allow each band member their opportunity to shine.
With the band still at a developing age, it is far too early to properly judge Lunar Mile but the fact that the band has used their hard work and experience to good effect is apparent, even at this early stage. With recent BBC Radio 6 airplay under their belt and a continuing busy tour schedule for the months ahead, it's likely that the name Lunar Mile will become more familiar to everyone.