Everybody's talking about it, but what are Infadels really like?

I've heard a lot of fuss being made over the Infadels recently, but until now have somehow missed hearing their choons, so there's a lot riding on these initial impressions. Well, not what was I was expecting is the first thought, but the more you listen to 'Love Like Semtex' the more you shake off all those tags and hype-lines they've been labelled with and you get to the essence of what they're all about, writing pretty groovy songs to swing hips to.

There's a sparse techno feel to the record, with elements of arty cool seeping through, like Maximo Park with a new sexy swagger. There's hip guitar shuffles and a laid-back vocal that just controls the whole track, it gains your attention to say the least.

Out of the remixes the Metronomy mix is the coolest as it really brings a new edge to the record, making it more shiningly groovy in that Arcade Fire sense of the word. 'Love Like Semtex' is a good track to bare an example of what the Infadels are all about. So, hype dispelled, this is the shit.