A Worthy Battle

By the second repetition of the original refrain you've got into it, by the third you're back out. So, somewhere in between they've hit it right, and in that you know that Battle have got something to flaunt and please the critics and fans alike with; a style that's palpable and radio-friendly in the U2/Coldplay sense and scensterish and live-showy in the Bloc Party/Futureheads sense.

And that could well be a winning formula, but I wouldn't go putting all my dedication and faith into this band being the next big thing just yet. From 'Children' alone they don't quite seem original and outstanding enough to really hit it off, but from the quality of the track they should achieve some success and get quite a nice little following behind them. Good enough single from this band that should stand them in good stead for the future, the remix is nothing to write home about though.