Look out Tony, here come Larrikin Love.

"A little bit of politics" as Ben Elton was prone to saying.

Larrikin Love play up to their image of being outsiders by threatening to burn down Westminster and chase the current PM from his abode. As an idea it's certainly not original in that Mr Fawkes attempted similar a good few years back, although it's uncertain if he announced his attentions with a single release. Probably not as his touring schedule was quite punishing back then as it was before myspace had been invented. Before the digression of whether Tom had invented myspace all those years ago would have prevented the Gunpowder plot, let's return our attention back to Larrikin Love.

Coming across as troubadours and sounding slightly whimsical in the manner of Babyshambles, Larrikin Love impress briefly but don't manage to live up to the external hype or the internal influences they claim creates them.
The song struts around and has some swagger which is well carried by the vocals but too many of the end of line melodies bring Pete Doherty to mind too readily and it seems that there is a shadow hanging over LL which whilst opening up an immediate fan base for them is likely to hold them back eventually.

Civil disobedience in a band should always be encouraged though and the dreams and political posturing of the act come across well, if perhaps slightly fanciful. They probably don't intend to burn down anything but at least Larrkin Love are prepared to throw their finely tailored hats into the ring and offer some opinions.

Also, if Larrikin Love currently thinks that England has to offer to them now when they are still in the World Cup, how depressed are they going to feel when the inevitable exit comes. Head for the open seas now boys, you might just beat the rush.