Very Pearl Jam

Take the premise of The Beatles' 'She's Leaving Home' and give it to Pearl Jam to create a song around and you've got Kingskin's 'Last Ride Home'. About a girl absconding from home and done in a style completely imitating that of everyone's second favourite grunge band. Their music is full of hard guitar, skilful solos, meaty vocals and pounding drums.

It could get tiresome, and does wear a bit as you get to the second B-side, but it's quite good, like a progression of Wolfmother's 70s rock, bringing it to an early 90s sound, but I get the feeling that history's repeating itself now. They're certainly getting bummed in the press, so they've probably hit a winning formula, but in my humble opinion it's nothing that ain't been done before and it's just not Wolfmother!