The two faces of post-hardcore.

This EP from Cambridgeshire post-hardcore five piece The First is a record of two halves. The first couple of tracks aren't bad by any means, they have OK tunes, but there's not a lot of impact because they have a really minimal, empty sound. This sparseness may be because the production has rounded off and clipped all their raw edges. The vocals are quite weak and uncertain; veering between being really American and really British depending on what word the vocalist is singing. The songs are quite catchy but a bit limp and a little on the obvious side, with that chugga chugga guitar sound and melodic singing with a little screamy bit on the side for good measure.

It could seem strange that the second two tracks should be so different, but for a band that has had so many line-up changes in its short life perhaps not. Track three "The Same Sky" and track four which sounds like it's been recorded live in someone's garage and is nameless and hidden away right at the end of the CD's runtime, are both corkers. There is still the same inconsistency of accent but here it ceases to matter and you feel like they may have something after all. On these two tracks they sound like an entirely different band; there is a real passion and energy to their playing – and so much more emotion. The guitars are heavier and have a much more raw and fuzzy sound which makes the songs sound full and rich. The vocals are stronger and more confident and the whole band sound like they really mean it. Granted they still sound like The Get Up Kids, but somehow that's fine.