Fei Comodo - This One's For Us

Fei Comodo hail from Essex and for their first release have chosen to test the waters with this four-track single (although they follow modern metal parlance and call it an EP). They cite Bon Jovi as one of their primary influences and I always have a soft spot for bands who have the balls to do that, but there's little of the New Jersey stadium-botherers in their sound. Similarly, the blaze of hardcore shouting and pinched guitar harmonics which opens this CD is something of a false start as things quickly settle into an emo rut. It's alright of its kind, but the tinkly, clean-picked guitars sometimes sound remarkably twee and the fey, American-accented singing often comes across as overly whiny. Still, it's nice enough, and if nice is what you want from your music then you could pick this up. Or not. Like, whatever.

I'd bet my boss's left testicle (and if the graffiti I read on the office toilet wall is to be believed, that's his only functioning one) that you'll hear a lot more from Fei Comodo over the coming months, as they've recorded the 'Go Go Emo Rangers' theme for MTV's "Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers" spoof. Realising that this could well be more hindrance than help, the band seem keen to distance themselves from it in their promo bio, but I foresee more than a few "Power Rangers" toys lobbed at them when they play live. There will be if I have anything to with it.