A re-release to cash in on TV advert.

The Blueskins 'Change My Mind' from their debut album is being re-released this month to coincide with its use on a Lynx advert. The band began in 2003 and are yet to release a follow up to their debut, although one is due next year.

This re-release on the eve of new material is clearly a thinly veiled attempt at bringing The Blueskins to the front of the public's consciousness, and as such is probably a good opportunity for the band. The song starts promisingly with spiky guitars and a pleasantly jangling sound, the effect of which is ruined by the introduction of the lead vocal. The faux blues style of the vocals seem at odds with the sound, and the Americanised delivery is quickly grating, and adds to the impression that this band are phoney, unless of course it's common for natives of Yorkshire to sing with an American accent.

Thankfully this song is brief but is also instantly forgettable, and any listener is unlikely to remember it, until they hear it again on the advert of course. With their vocalist attempting a caricature style impersonation of Jack White and the dull attempt at a blues-indie hybrid, The Blueskins had better hope this song brings them success, as they are unlikely to achieve it on their own merits.