Infuriated Electro Pop

Infuriated electro pop is the staple of :('s mini album; essentially the left wing technique employed to earn the band comparisons with the likes of The Postal Service is no more than placing the computerised backing beats on fast forward and watching the ensuing chaos race through listeners' heads, but it's certainly an interesting effect.

Opener 'First Blood' is a breakneck pop punk tune that squeals beneath distorting synth bumbling. In 'Pre-Emoticons' this electro panic leads to swirling, disorientating synths pulsating like a broken Super Mario soundtrack beneath the racing vocals; this is a definite strong point with a catchy chorus underpinning the simmering techno stylings. 'Heartache Of Soccer Moms' sees the Nintendo blips taking a more prominent role in proceedings while the earnest calling vocals strive to get a hold on your emotional receptors and mostly fall short, due to the distraction of a million Gameboys chanting in unison.

It can't be said that :( aren't trying something new, but beneath the skipping beats and twee bleeps, they're just a little too similar to plenty of the other bands skulking under the emo umbrella. :( speak to the kids in a language they understand; that of emoticons and sonic blips, but to the more refined listener this offers little to impress.