Close to perfect.

Nineteen-year-old Paolo Nutini is not from Italy as one might expect but in fact hails from Paisley. His family have been resident there for four generations, running a chip shop. 'Rewind' is the third single taken from his platinum selling debut album 'These Streets' and is a luscious combination of soulful emotion, foot-tapping beats and carefully orchestrated instrumental arrangements.

There is nothing to dislike here; sure, for a singer-songwriter, Mr. Nutini tends towards the pop side, but that is not necessarily something to be greeted with caution. 'Rewind' is both accessible and well-crafted, perfectly showcasing the artist's gorgeous voice – which manages to be raspy, husky, smooth and continually unique. Lyrically, the song tells of lost love, too much drink and wanting to turn back time (something far too many of us can probably relate to!) and Paolo manages to deliver them with just the right degree of emotion, never sentimentalising but at the same time making them his own. With that, there is nothing left to say other than ... buy this single, it will not disappoint.