Start the dance!

A re-release for Plan B should offer him an opportunity to showcase his skills and perhaps fill The Streets shaped gap in the UK at the moment but to be fair, just because he is a white UK rapper shouldn't necessarily give rise to Skinner-esque comparisons, not when there are worse culprits out there.

The obvious hook for this track revolves around a re-working of The Prodigys 'No Good (Start The Dance)' but does so in a creative manner as opposed to using for the sake of using. Much as Eminem absorbed Dido and made it feel a natural part of the song, so Plan B has managed here. Its an infectious chorus which will undoubtedly draw people in and provide a platform to build from.

The lyrical flow is where these types of tracks live and die and Plan B has no fear of failing on this score. Be it the hard-ass stereotypical rap element to his lyrics where he threatens to "stab you with a biro, the biro you use to sign your giro" or a self-deprecating style of how he sticks to spirits as he doesn't drink pints as he is trying to watch his figure.

Its an intelligent and fun single and that's something we can never have too much of, so even though it's a re-release, it's a welcome one.

The assorted remixes hum and haw in many different matters but the reason the lead track remains the lead track is pretty evident, they're for completists or genre specific fans only.