Bright And Bold

'Angela' is a perfect slow-building indie number, kicking off with a jaunty vamping piano tune enthused with a dose of cool by the lilting vocals. The chorus soon brings triumphant guitars to a steady peak, while the lyrics are equally fresh and cutting, "I miss you like a nuclear bomb" kicks off a minor explosion in the form of a piano crescendo and frantic guitars, softened by psychedelic, "weee-ooh" vocal cries. The Blood Arm's sound is both catchy and innovative with plenty of charisma and conviction conveyed by singer Nathaniel Fregoso, it's a little reminiscent of The Killers' combination of indie and resplendent melodies, but not close enough to be accused of lack ingenuity.

Check this out if you're in the mood for a bright and exciting tune to wake you from your summer reveries.