Blissful Electro Pop

A little Blondie in the glassy vocals, a little serene in the electro backing and very chique indeed, Blonde Redhead's '23' is already one of the finest alternative offerings of the year. 'Silently' is a stunning single that showcases the band's lucid, intangible style that haunts you with shimmering clarity. It's a sweet little pop tune with a repetitive melody, but its 80's instrumentation and beautiful sound will soon have you swaying along.

'Signs Along The Path' is a little more unconventional, gauzy effects-ridden vocals are let loose over a calm and serene backing melody, with a frisson of guitars kicking off the excitement alongside background chitter-chatter that makes it sound like you're suddenly in a club, or stylish wine bar, and yes, Blonde Redhead's music would go down very well indeed in either of these milieus. Another blissful little electro pop nugget is '(We Are A Real Team) Harry and I', it's a curious tune with bubbling synth sounds and snappy percussive beats, but another delightful addition to Blonde Redhead's armoury against banal music.