Jollier Smashing Pumpkins

Immediately upon opening the jiffy bag, I knew what I was getting into. Silversun Pickups look like many of the alt-rock bands seen on 'Kerrang' that I don't class as being 'rock music'. You know who I mean, 'The Killers', 'Kaiser Chiefs' 'Soul Patrol', I could go on, and on, and on......anything bar having to listen to the album. It looks like the kind of album suited to teens to mid 20's age group, or your typical Glastonbury/Uni attendee.

Apparently, rather than being another fiercely determined young band willing to claw and scrap their way to the top of the rock heap, they genuinely appear to be far more like a gang of real, true friends (Awww!), who happened to meet as a result of their mutual love of music (I think I'm going to puke) and who seem to enjoy each other's company as much as they like playing their own brand of ravishing (?) rock noise – their words not mine. I want to hear music from bands that scrap, fight, kick, hate each other, but churn out heavy / chunky / melodic / get in your face / make your ears bleed / instantly memorable songs
Such is the rumour-mill on t'internet about SSPU you'd almost expect the second coming. They have a fresh, different sound, but it seems familiar. Of course! Take yourself back to Seattle in the early nineties and there you will find your answer – guitarist / singer Brian Aubert IS Billy Corgan, and Silversun Pickups ARE a happier/ jollier noughties version of The Smashing Pumpkins. Bad news for me, as I couldn't stand them either.

The album is full of tremolo, fuzz, buzzing, distorted guitar work but seems lacking of a decent rhythm section. Album opener "Melatonin" brings male and female vocals together in a similar way to 'The Pixies', the perfect song to listen to on your drive down the shore (better if you live in the USA, than the UK to imagine this scenario). "Future Foe Scenarios" is one of those tracks that gently seeps out of your stereo, then builds to a crescendo, they type of song that would sound much better in a live environment. Believe it or not ''Chequered Floor'' IS a song....about a floor! You crazy Americans! Best track on the Cd is ''Lazy Eye''. These songs just write themselves!!

I have to apologise as this album was mostly wasted on a hardened rock/metal listener like myself. I must say my 15 year old daughter thought it was great. And that's the audience this is targeted at. If you're 15-25 and and you missed the 90's and want a sound that's different to a lot of music today, then dive in you'll love it. The album occasionally hits the mark but is also way off on times also. There is a lot of promise to work with for future releases.

They are going to be huge! What the Hell do I know!