Not So Strong

The debut single from Indie five piece Broken Dolls is a mixture of funky guitars and typical electro pop synthesisers. This release is characteristic of soft American Dance/Rock in the likes of The Killers and The Bravery- yet very un-similar in the lack of hook laden chorus and raw basslines.

The British band have built up a pretty high flying profile for themselves prior to even releasing a single- coming second in the BBC Radio One's New band competition, leading to numerous festival performances including the diverse Glastonbury. With such support and progress, this single really was greatly anticipated- perhaps why the word disappointment springs to mind almost immediately.

'Stronger' is almost ten years too late, a typical mid nineties release that unfortunately features bad, repetitive lyrics and such an unimaginative melody, I wanted to go back to Norman Cook's recent signings and ask them politely to re-write their first track completely or think very carefully if this is the best they've got- which I don't think it is. Although still typical, simplistic and ultimately too commercial for my liking, B-side 'Peaches' is a better tune- if only for the mere fact that it doesn't repeat the "Epic" two lined chorus "if it don't kill you, it will make you stronger" for an entire minute period. Good things come to those who wait? Not in this case I'm afraid.