Complex melodies.

This debut full length release has been waiting in the wings a long time, the band have had too many setbacks to mention on their way to its release, including line-up changes and lack of funding amongst other things, but thankfully, for them and us, they managed to stay afloat in the face of adversity and it's all been worth the wait. It seems like they've finally found their sound; the uncertainty of former releases is gone and although the schizophrenic sound remains it's been channelled into something far more cohesive and consistent, making this a heavy, slightly goth edged, melodic punk-rock record that's full of powerful and catchy songs, each worthy of being released as a single.

Ok, so there are plenty of bands out there doing the metal riffs versus melodic tunes thing, but what sets this record apart is the depth of the layers in each track. You don't just have metal riffs and a decent poppy tune; there's much more going on under the surface. Despite being more cohesive than their previous releases, they haven't lost their theatrical edge, and it is still, as you would expect from them, an eclectic sounding record; a full-on barrage of ideas and influences all jostling to find a place. Expect plenty of quirks and complexity, tracks rush along at a breakneck speed, full of metal riffs, gang vocals, catchy tunes, odd little time signatures, jagged riffs and constantly heavy; this time they've found the right formula and all the seemingly disparate elements pull together so well that it flies along smooth as silk.

Pretty much every track here is worthy of a mention, all have plenty of hooks and catchy, memorable moments. However, there are still some standout tracks; 'Rhythm Thief' and '1997' are both clear winners, so monstrously catchy you can't help getting on your feet and 'Sister Temptation' and 'Don't Drive' are perfectly placed openers to the album setting you up nicely for the ride ahead. Occasionally some tracks wear their influences like scars like '1997' with its Faresque riff, but there's so much else going on that it's a tiny part of the tapestry and before you can grab on to something familiar it's been replaced five times over. In the end the lasting impression is one of a band that have found their sound and do their thing really well; this is an album of really well crafted catchy, memorable, dark rock tunes that are really good to rock out to.