Darkly Catchy

Take Iggy Pop's vocals from 'The Passenger', chuck in some industrialised metal and a vital fistful of catchiness before stirring fiercely with a guitar and before you know it you'll have Emigrate's 'New York City'. Darkly catchy with a chorus that has one eye on the pop charts and the other wickedly eyeing up the next slice of mischief, 'New York City' digs its claws into you, refusing to let go until the last breathe has been gasped.

Hook ridden, 'New York City' won't fail to have you singing along as Rammstein's guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe steps out of his metal shadows and shocks all with his new band, hanging up his heavier leanings and embracing the rock anthem for all to enjoy. With an adrenaline packed punch that escalates into a guitar solo to lay the fatal blow, 'New York City' will leave you in a smouldering heap idiotically begging for more.