The Broken Family Band - Leaps

What kind of three minute pop song outstays its welcome? None, because that's exactly what they're not meant to do. But 'Leaps' may be the first of a new breed.

I feel spoiled for choice for reasons why but I'll pick the most obvious. The chord sequence is unforgivably dull. Verse-chorus, verse-chorus is about as exciting as it gets and the instrumental bit, by far the most fun cliché of happy poppy rock, appears only at the end as a clumsy afterthought. The lyrics are awful; one bit goes 'and it's in your blood'. After a pause the singer creepily adds '...I can feel your blood', as if that's what was missing.

The Broken Family Band started out doing country and have drifted ever since, lately arriving at songs that are, like this one, incurably jangly and easy to play along to. There are bands who do it a lot better.