Breath Taking

Every now and then a song comes along that just blows you away, making everything else blur into the background and time stop as your attention is firmly fixed on listening to that one track, rendering you powerless and making nothing else in the world matter; ‘Nobody’s Fault But Mine’ is one of those songs. Effortlessly radiating a sultry rustic grace, Beth Rowley’s reworking of the traditional folk song is simply breathtaking as her vibrantly textured voice effortlessly captivates, invoking an avalanche of emotions that will leave you numb with pleasure.

Etched in pain and oozing with blues fuelled mellow tones, Rowley’s is a voice that you instantly gravitate towards with each track on her debut EP ‘Violets’ revealing her timeless voice to full effect. Hauntingly engaging, ‘Only One Cloud’ smoulders with a classic pain addled blues touch so much so that it could have stepped right off the banks of the Mississippi whereas Bob Dylan’s ‘I Shall Be Released’ skips with glorious optimism to ease the woe. Unapologetically enthralling, Beth Rowley will instantly seize your heart as her beautifully enchanting voice leads you on a emotional rollercoaster that you’ll never forget.