Bucking The Trend

If Noah And The Whale was a sweet they’d be facing the wrath of dentist world wide. Unashamedly drenched in a gallon of sugary twee that threatens to leave even that scary emo kid at the end of your street that you try to avoid feeling all warm and tingly inside, Noah And The Whale take some jangles of a tambourine, sprinkle it with twinkling guitars and strap it to irresistibly sweet vocals that instantly insure your smiling throughout.

Gently easing their way into your heart, ‘2 Bodies 1 Heart’ sweeps lusciously by with a melodic sentimentality last seen residing in a Hallmark card. Dealing only with the subject of love, ‘2 bodies 1 Heart’ builds to a trumpet playing climax is cheesily wonderful. B side ‘Rocks And Daggers’ finds the band in high spirits as a fiddler lets his fingers fun riot in a track that breaks out in full hootenanny fun with faint laughter and applause making you feel that you too are involved in the party.

When everyone else seems to be dressed in black, when every band seems intent to plug in and rock out and when every singer is donning a cockney accent when in reality mummy and daddy dine with the Prince Charles and Camilla on a regular basis, it is refreshing to find a band being who they are. Sure it maybe sickly sweet but when everyone is telling you how crap life is it makes for a welcome change to be told you don’t need to pen that suicide note just yet.