Buckley lives...sort of.

Baxter’s single ‘Tell Her Today’ is potentially very emotive stuff. He cleverly weaves together Spanish guitar, strings and his (far too much like) Jeff Buckley-esque vocals to draw you in and make your skin goose-bump, and it works for the most part.

The track gradually builds from a quiet and minimal beginning to a crescendo of pounding flamenco beats and emotion filled vocals with a string accompaniment that gets more and more frenzied the closer to the end you get. It’s a very slick tune taken from his album ‘Skybound’ which features ‘Better’ from the film “Run Fat Boy Run” released last year.

No matter how hard the record works to try and manipulate my emotions though, I’m afraid I just can’t get past the vocal similarity to the legendary Jeff Buckley, so no matter how I try to spin it the song ends up leaving me feeling a bit cold.