Strepsil anyone?

Sweden has something of a pedigree in the Metal stakes & By Night are the next in a long line of Swedish hardcore metal bands. With their debut offering 'Burn the Flags' you get the impression that cosy nights in with a pipe & slippers is not an option for these guys.

What really stands out about this album is the Drumming, the Drummer (Per Quarnstrm) is a robot! Nobody can play that fast for that long, his bionic legs must cause havoc at customs.

The music is tight & admittedly it's quite impressive in its speed & intensity, unfortunately there aren't really any memorable tunes. The vocals consist of screaming all the way through without respite and this gets a little tiring after a while.

If you dig hardcore thrash metal you'll dig this, what they do they do well - it's hard, fast, intense & is ideal for those with long hair that like to have sore necks & rasping throats the day after a gig!