Food to soothe your mood...

Forgive my mood, it's Valentine's Day and I'm sat at a PC whoring the English language to sell the latest craze, ah well, there's always next year... Maybe the commercialism and the promise I pin so much hope on, that always fails to deliver, has gone to my head or it's the alcohol. Phah, nothing will raise my spirits.

Wait! This Engineers track isn't half-bad actually, it starts as mellow Feeder met with acoustic Oasis and continues on in a monotonous but soul-soothing stream. It's the ethereal soundtrack to the day on which we take the time to appreciate the finer things in life, 'Forgiveness' brings you back into your inner alcove.

The B-sides are pretty snazzy too, both similar to the first song, wispy and floaty, the silent expanding ripple on the surface of the eternal river, they both comfort and caress like a nice bath with good bubbles and a hint aroma therapeutic scenting products...

'Forgiveness' plays out its very theme in a sensibility of musical magnitude, forgiving their listeners of their sins and enabling that quality within us, to forgive that day that failed to deliver yet again. I forgive you, amen.