Scouting For Girls return for another hit

Each of the songs that have been released by Scouting For Girls, ‘Heartbeat’, ‘She’s So Lovely’ and ‘Elvis Ain’t Dead’, have had a similar style, been incredibly catchy with sing-a-long choruses and magical little hooks that gasp a intrigued listener.

The new single ‘It’s Not About You’ is extremely similar in style to the previous releases, but it is this technique that has made Scouting For Girls a name on everyone’s lips. This light-hearted track is pumped full of pop melodies with a jumpy ring to it. One element that stands out more on this track than the previous three singles is the precious backing harmonies that creates a more emotional feel in a growing “I guess we got” chorus.

It is great to see the repeated lyrical chorus’s, simple and effective words, similar working melodies and jumpy beats work so well for Scouting For Girls. Why change a structure that is working so well.