More well rounded music from Circlesound.

There's something a little bit different about Circlesound. The music they create is snazzy, sexy and written with the kind of skill you can only dream of achieving. It is diverse and cries out for attention in the kind of voice you can't help but answer to.

Sleek guitars slide up against a powerfully creative voice belonging to Dave Lloyd in their masterpiece 'Can't Blame Me'. A swirling mass of talent, this song could quite easily sit amongst signed bands with the rhythmic thud and rumbling vocals that are perfectly capable of lifting up into a high pitched wail as demonstrated by 'Bring The Troops'. Although it's the lesser of these latest two songs, that doesn't mean to say it is nothing to be proud of. Where as 'Can't Blame Me' bounces along happily, 'Bring The Troops' has an entirely different feel.

And that's the name of the game when it comes to Circlesound- delivering something fresh and new with just enough of the old stirred into the mixture for it to taste good to those who are stuck in their ways. With U2 frequently mentioned around Circlesound, you can be certain that this is a band that are unlikely to disappoint.