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Razorlight haven’t been hibernating for the last few months to escape the cold British weather as some of you may believe, but they have been hidden away in a studio writing and recording new material. I am pleased to announce the third studio album from Razorlight, ‘Slipway Fires’.

I adore ‘Somewhere Else’, ‘America’ and ‘Before I Fall to Pieces,’ so I was really looking forward to the new masterpiece. The bands first single is like none of the above songs. The album opens with the calming piano-led ‘Wire To Wire’ and closes with piano solo ‘The House’; both constructed incredibly. The former places musical elements together in such a way that they coincide in complete harmony and never does one overpower another. As ‘Slipway Fires’ progresses, things get a little more heated with the good old Razorlight indie vibe we have all come to respect; this is noticeable on most of the songs, especially ‘Burberry Blue Eyes’. ‘You and The Rest’ consists of a hopping beat and a bouncing guitar riff all wrapped up tightly in an indie rock shell; ‘60 Thompson’ sounds to be very indie focused, even a tad folksy at times while ‘Stinger’ hits the emotions with its powerful and intense guitar rhythms.

Johnny’s rugged vocals are one of the most distinct elements on this record. When I first heard his voice many years ago, I wasn’t impressed by his uneven tones; it was very different to the music I was interested in at the time and because of this I let their talents flow past me without a glance. However, as ‘Somewhere Else’ pulsated through my mind, and became a song I was unable to stop humming to, I became curious about Razorlight and gave their album a listen. There may not be any tracks as catchy as ‘Somewhere Else’ on this record, but I am guessing these songs are going to be the type that grow on you. One minute you’re in the kitchen making a cup of tea/coffee, the next, you're humming along to a song you can’t quite put a finger on where you know it from.

Razorlight prove they are back on top form with this release.