
This band performed three sets at the recent Manchester ‘In The City’ music conference where they were showcasing their talent. At the moment totally unaffiliated with any label and with only working titles for some of their songs. They took to the stage and filled it with a great presence.

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They opened with ‘I Miss Iceland’ and moved quickly in to ‘Nobody’s Fool’, with just these two tunes you can see why their brand of sleaze punk secured them to open for the Foo Fighters recently.

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I really loved the energy that was in this show; this was live punk with a fantastic stage presence that knew how to work a crowd. The crowd lapped up everything this band threw at them.

I loved ‘Keep You Feet on the Floor’ and ‘Who gets the Blame’, two fantastic punk songs full of raw energy. What they will be like once they are signed and under a label’s wing who knows? But this is one band, who if you have the opportunity go and watch them, you will not regret experiencing.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 15 available.