BWD said Bring it On and Invey rose to the challenge.

Invey are a metal band so you wouldn’t be laughed at for expecting them to dish out the usual stew of hatred and pissed off ranting at one of their live shows. You also wouldn’t be wrong. There is however, a difference that sets them apart from the average offerings from the other Black Winter Day participants. Invey have class and it isn’t just down to Claire’s eccentric dress sense.

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What you are listening to is not a stupid band. This is not a band who scream and rant because it's all they can do. Invey scream and rant because it suits their plans. Invey can, and frequently show throughout their set tonight that they understand the workings of a good song. They also understand that the crowd they are facing is going to be tougher than average due to the amount of artists that make up the audience as well as the fact the Colours Bar is near freezing.

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Despite the odds stacked against them, Invey are focussed on showing Bradford what they’ve got. Luckily for those gathered around the R13 table littered with empty glasses, they’re violently talented and brimming with passion for what they do best. Hopefully the bands lower down on the bill will take note of their talent when it comes to live performances. 2005, if today’s performance is anything to go by, looks to be a bright year, as long as the crowds they come up against in the next 12 months have a little more life about them than those at Black Winter Day.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 6 available.