Fading fire

Barely a couple of weeks after Boy Sets Fire announced they were splitting up guitarist Josh Latshaw had a serious accident at work that (hopefully) temporarily put him in a wheelchair. Whilst postponing their final show the band have continued to honour their touring commitments and tonight's set is probably the last time anyone here will get the chance to see the band.

Clashing with Gogol Bordello in the neighbouring tent makes for a smaller crowd by the days standards but Boy Sets Fire aren't deterred and turn in a solid performance that centres around hardcore tempered with melodic choruses. They mix good variety into the set and although the slower songs lack the punch and impact of the faster songs it keeps the set interesting. As the set moves on though the slower songs really are exposed as weak and generic, they could be any one of a hundred other bands during these. Yes, I know Boy Sets Fire have been around for twelve years and probably did it first but one nod to the past would have been enough today.

That said you can't fault their performance, which is both energetic and enthusiastic. Perhaps they are mindful of the fact that this is probably the last time they'll play in England, a fact they announce to the obvious disappointment of the crowd. They take the opportunity to deliver a rant against mascara wearing bands, extolling the virtues of staying true to yourself and the music as they have done over the years. As if to prove it the last few songs are fitting testament to their legacy as they rip through a succession of driving rhythms with rousing vocals that displays all that was, is and probably still should be good about Boy Sets Fire.