Like It Or Not

Southern California band The Like have been around for a few years and centre around singer and guitarist Elizabeth Berg, daughter of former Geffen A&R man Tony Berg. Guess what label they're signed to?

The Like play decent indie pop with the odd injection of punk, the tunes are pretty catchy at times but never really seem to take off; they always seem just a little restrained. As a band they are pretty tight but not as tight as the bass player's hot pants! There's really no need for them but perhaps they compensate for her flair on the bass, which it has to be said is somewhat limited. They get a decent crowd in the Carling Tent and there are some interesting moments such as a slow version of the Sex Pistols 'Submission'.

Overall though it's fairly forgettable performance compared to some of the other performances that have been put in over the weekend. There's nothing really to dislike about The Like but there's not much to go wild over either, unless you have a fondness for tight hot pants of course.