Do you know Kung Fu?

Famed for their partying as much as anything they have achieved musically, Shitdisco have a lot to gain from supporting The Rapture and in the bands mutual home of Glasgow, playing to a receptive crowd was always likely to end in triumph.

With a live sound akin to The Rapture where the bass is king (one song features two of the band playing the four string instrument) there was no doubt that the crowd would appreciate the act, and so it transpired.

Between song chat may have been at a premium but there was some give and take and the bands interplay and movement seemed to suggest that they were enjoying themselves.

The driving nature of the bass brings to mind acts like Gang of Four or of the recent updates on this sound and on 'I Know Kung Fu', Shitdisco pull together these influences and offer up a new take the sound. With a nagging chorus revelling over wiry guitars and big bass and percussion sounds, it got some heads nodding and shoulders dipping, which for a support act, is a victory in itself.

Closing with previous single, 'Reactor Party' Shitdisco showed their most Nu-Rave element with the accompanying bleeps and loops perhaps living up to the media expectations of what the genre entails but as a song, it works splendidly.

With an album on the way hopefully Shitdisco will have plenty more opportunities to build their fanbase.