Firecrack This!

Canada's Cancer Bats appear to be on a bit of a roll at present, they're getting good press, high profile tours and are booked to appear on the Dimebag Darrell stage at Download this year.

There's no pretence about Cancer Bats, they know what they're doing and make damn sure that you know it too. This is hard but tight, fast and loud punk rock and what's more, it's good! The sound is decent (a problem in this venue of late) and they get a big crowd for an opening band. They don't waste the opportunity either and give it 100%, with singer Liam in particular pulling out all the stops. They even manage to get something of a pit going, which is no mean achievement this early on in the evening.

There are elements of metal on display in the odd song, with guitarist Scott Middleton delivering some chugging riffs accompanied by some tailored hair swirling. It's a short half hour set but it's impressive and judging by the crowd reaction they've won plenty of new friends tonight. They may not have the subtlety or range of tonight's headliners but sometimes out and out raw power will do just fine and tonight they're in the right place at the right time!