Kerrang! Week Of Rock

After a long and very tiring day at work, to sit and listen to very loud and powerful rock music was the last thing on my mind. Buckcherry however made all the aches and pains of the hours gone by flitter away into oblivion.

The bands tattoo clad lead vocalist Josh Todd has a very stand out set of vocals on him. Jon Bon Jovi mixed with Jason Wade, startling yet stunning at the same time. It took a while to come to grips with but after a while his set of lungs was able to project the songs to their most impressive. Josh’s antics on stage were also energy draining to watch so goodness knows how he managed to proceed for the entire set with such force and able to get the crowd below bouncing on the spot, waving their arms, shouting and screaming along with the band.

There was such power as the band performed. Some tracks were engulfed with electric vibrations while at other times a light-hearted more emotional feel took the songs over. There were three particular songs that received outstanding responses from the crowd. The first was ‘Sorry’, a song that had a Bon Jovi ‘Always’ touch to it, a memorable ballad with an epic style. The second was ‘Everything’ which shot to life with the beautiful harmonies. Then there was ‘Crazy Bitch’ a song that sent the entire crowd berserk and into a frenzy and is still playing on my mind today.

Buckcherry is a very entertaining band to watch perform. They give you a taste and then have you begging for more.