Taking delight in the simple things...

After the haunting fragility of Sarah Jane's folk rock, the Wire Daisies sound even more upbeat and modern than ever before. This is a band who have a certain way about them that cries out for adoration and praise. Not because they need it, for they seem to know that they're good at what they do. They look like a band comfortable with the size venue they're playing and they sound like a band comfortable with the style they've carved for themselves. There are brilliant sliding basslines to be found here alongside electric acoustic ambles, keyboard work that flirts, solid drumming to keep this in line with the electric guitar- all topped off with a deliciously rebellious voice courtesy of Treana Morris.

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To be honest, this is the kind of performance that has to be expected from a band who has worked with John Cornfield. Their music isn't loud, but that doesn't matter because everyone needs to slow down once in a while and it makes a change to be able to sit back with a drink and relax rather than pummel your way to a decent spot in the crowd. Those soft female vocals glide gracefully over the audience in songs such as 'Everyman' and suggest that there are going to be bigger crowds standing back and admiring this band curiously. If what they say is true about an audience being the easiest way to tell if a band is good, then the Wire Daisies are very good. So many people singing along with wistful looks upon their faces can't be wrong.

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The Wire Daisies show off Treana's voice, yet there are ample opportunities for the other members to steal the light. At all times they project the feeling of a 'nice' band. There's no talk of blood and screaming and killing- and it's a refreshing change to listen to something that has enough balls to stand on its own yet sound utterly delectable. This band are down to earth and proof of this can be found in both Treana's simple pleasure at being able to swap her acoustic guitar for an electric and their lyrics. Their music is effortless to listen to, for it simply flows in the most beautiful curving manner that doesn't require you to embrace new styles and concepts. This familiarity is what makes the Wire Daisies so different- and why their live shows are such a treat to attend.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 28 available.