Bloodstock Begins With A Bang
A short way into their set, Panic Cell proudly announce that they have been chosen to open the very first Bloodstock Open Air. True maybe, but it is clear that the reason they were at the bottom of the lineup is clear - Panic Cell are playing the role of filler band this year. At Bloodstock last year their set was immediately after Intense, and as a result they came across as a much weaker band.
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This year they've not got that problem, however once Gotthard took to the stage, it was hard to remember anything about the band, other than the very loud and often irritating vocals. Despite having played to a modestly sized crowd at last year's Bloodstock, Panic Cell looked nervous on stage. Guitarist Harjeet Virdee was static throughout the majority of each song, only daring to move at the end of each song. Furthermore, Luke Bell's vocals varied through the set. They started off strong and clear, yet by the end, the crowd could only hear a series of grunts and roars through the problematic PA system.
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This is a shame, as there is clear potential for the band. They may not have the same level of experience as some older bands, but for a band who are going to play the first set ever at this festival, they sound reasonable overall. The guitar riffs are clean and fresh, and the drumming of Lee Turner is excellent. The songs themselves all consist of a basic riff with other elements build around it, but they are unique enough to hold the interest of the majority of onlookers.
It's sad to say that the number of people who braved the brisk English winds to see Panic Cell was small, and mainly consisted of already obsessed Panic Cell fans, so whilst the band may not have reached out to a huge new audience, their set should allow their fans to rely on the fact that Panic Cell can play well. There may be no Children of Bodom level guitar solos, no Evergrey level vocal delivery or any Edguy crowd interaction, but the Panic Cell boys are clearly here to make a statement - we know how to make your ears bleed, and today they proved it.
To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 11 available.