Blink 182

The pop-punk trio from California have gathered a large dusk crowd and can be argued as being just as large as Linkin Park in terms of headlining abilities. Not being a fan of these guys myself I am dubious as to what to expect. What I see changes my opinion of them.

They come on stage and run through a good set from "All The Small Things" to "Rock Show" as well as some new material. The performance is lively, energetic and fun. They seem as if they haven't lost any part of theirselves from becoming famous. You can imagine this band performing with the same energy and enjoyment when they were first founded in the early 1990s.

A band that is true to punk ideals - music that has no hidden maenings and is simply fun. The opinions on this set are divided between "amateur" and "fantastic". Personally I feel the later is more apt as they not only draw a huge crowd but sustain it irrespective of peoples opinions of them.