Not just the senses

New Jersey band Senses Fail are 2nd on the billing and the crowd are well warmed up after No Comply's excellent set. The tent is pretty full already, which doesn't bode well for good viewing positions later on! Getting a very good reaction as they take the stage Senses Fail go straight into their brand of melodic hardcore.

Singer Buddy Nilelson flies around the stage in an energetic performance but his vocals lack intensity in delivery. The overall sound is too quiet and this also detracts from the bands impact. Even with this taken into consideration they are definitely at the lighter end of hardcore and to be honest the songs aren't that great. If you're going to stand out from the countless other bands of this ilk you have to have something different to offer, be it impressive intensity or great hooks and choruses or whatever! Senses Fail fall short on all fronts.

Nilelson appeals for a circle pit and more noise from the crowd, he gets the noise but I don't see much evidence of a pit! To their credit they give a solid performance and remain musically tight whilst managing to inject real energy, there's just something missing though. When they leave the stage it's to a healthy but not ecstatic reaction.