21st Century Legends

It seems Bad Religion have lost a few crowd members to the Foo Fighters but the tent is still pretty full to witness the daddies of melodic punk show that they can still teach the kids a thing or two. The only downer tonight is that they come on ten to fifteen minutes late (due to Hatebreed overrunning) and, with strict curfews on stage times, that means we're only in for a forty five minute set. Still, this is Bad Religion we're talking about here, they can get more songs of better quality into such a short time than most bands manage in a whole career!

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They open with 'Sinister Rouge' from their recent album 'The Empire Strikes First' showing at once that even after all these years they still know how to write a cracking three minute punk classic. From here on in it's just classic after classic with the likes of '21st Century Digital Boy', 'Modern Man' and 'Stranger Than Fiction', before which singer Greg Graffin takes a swipe at The Transplants, informing the crowd there'll be no more shampoo ads for those guys.

One of the singles from the last album 'Los Angeles is Burning' gets a great reception and sounds much better live than it does on record, where it comes across a little weak. If the set list wasn't enough there's more in store as Rise Against vocalist Tim joins them on stage to provide guest vocals.

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Forty five minutes was too short but Bad Religion didn't disappoint anyone, an excellent set and a great performance was the perfect way to round things off on the Lock Up stage. Truly masters of their craft and showing no signs of slowing down.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 18 available.