Milburn Certainly No Stereotype

Sometimes I feel that Milburn do not quite get the appreciation they deserve, although I found their first album to be rather dull with only a small number of really memorable tracks, I think it is their deadly tight performance which seems to always work the crowd into a whirlwind frenzy of body parts and beer rockets which truly does them justice.

A new album, a new tour, and quickly into it the foursome bust straight in with the new single, "What will you do", a quirky track with one of the most shout-able chorus's this year that seduced the crowd into a chaotic babble of laddish hugs and finger pointing at whoever seemed to be closest.

Sure enough, Milburn rattled out some classics. "Send in the boys" builds into a peak of monumental speed and an out of breath chorus, Complimented by the debut opener "Well well well" which saw the floor begin to shake underneath the stamp and stomp of the Fred Perry clad crowd.

"Roll out the barrel" was the treat of the evening for the onlookers. After a quick breather Joe returned to the stage and an acoustic version of this booze Britain tale echoed the seaside squalor. Rammed with renditions of the previous nights drunken antics seem fitting for such a boozed up crowd, and the irony was something that escaped many of the audience, as I was asked by one shaved headed individual, "I bet you don't even know this band do you?", (in a slurred manor).

The Milburn preconception is sadly a narrowed minded assumption by the shallow minds who believe that any band from above the Birmingham border is an intended "copy" of the Alex Turner and his boys. It's not true. Each note was tighter that Jonny Borrell's jeans and not a single mistake was made. I have a lot of respect for Milburn. Comparisons will always be made, it's a coping method for the less understandable member of society. And if you're not the Arctic Monkey's you must be the Libertines, right?