Jeremy Warmsley @ Latitude '08

With his greasy black mop and rounded specs, one could be forgiven for thinking that Master Potter decided to become a musician after defeating Voldemort. Jeremy Warmsley seemed intent on working an altogether more everyday magic however, delivering an amiable performance to a small but appreciative audience amidst the pine-dust haze around Latitude’s Sunrise Stage.

Warmsley’s voice has a slightly nasal quality that he gamely couples with a decent vibrato with the (slightly unfortunate) effect of sounding like a poor-man’s Rufus Wainwright. His electronica-tinged style of pop certainly doesn’t however, easy-going with a hint of balls beneath the inoffensive but experimental surface.

The set was solid though, Warmsley quickly establishing a friendly rapport with the crowd, who were craving something competent after a disappointing appearance from Polly Scattergood. Judging from audience reaction she seems to be someone people will either love or hate - I hated her.

Jeremy on the other hand is too likeable to feel any strong antipathy for. On this occasion he hit just the right spot, mingling perfectly with the sunlight filtering through the treetops, whiffs of cannabis mingling with the already pungent cocktail or aromas. Afternoon slots can be a nightmare - Warmsley made it work to his advantage.