Jerry Fish and the Mudbug Club
This jazzy/brass band style of rock had a cheery upbeat vibe, which worked really well at that time of the day (early afternoon) as a chill-out set, but at any other time would not have fitted in at all. The big band, including trumpets, a double bass and a saxophone alongside electric guitars complemented each other well to produce a slightly rockier edge.
However, the audience was pretty unresponsive to any attempts at interaction, except perhaps the kids and those right at the front of the stage. After an invitation to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know, no one moved. Several attempts later of encouraging this, in his I suspect real but fake sounding jazz-club-American accent, still the audience ignored him.
Still, each Mudbugs’ musical talent was given a chance to solo, which impressed. A nice change to the fairly similar rock styles of the other bands, so a great choice.