The Bohemia Tent is filled to the "rafters" with tired festival goers all nurturing sensitive heads and sore bodies. Henry makes a point to thank us all for sacrificing our early morning.

Rollins kicks straight off with the normal festival banter and taking the piss out of international Maiden fans, however the way he does it causes no offense and he even gets away with saying Eddie looked like a gerbil, referring to a banner he's seen on one of the shows he opened for Maiden, without one boo.

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This leads to one of his favourite topics, slagging Bush and Blair off. When I saw Henry six years ago, he slagged Bush off; and I'm sure if I get to see him one day just before he goes into retirement, he will be slagging Bush off. He also covers South Africa confirming his passion for the country, the way they dealt with the past and how they plan to survive modern times. He even recites the entire 200-word South African constitution for some bizarre reason.

You would think an hour of Spoken Word would be too long, but I think everybody would have listened to Henry all day long. The more I listen to Henry, the more he makes sense in what he says. Could you imagine him as a world leader? I think that would be amazing and he would do a great job. Go on, VOTE ROLLINS!!

He closes his show, requesting us to never stop showing our middle finger to the world and to never grow up. "Look at Iggy Pop!"

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 3 available.