Totally Amazing

Oh dear! Those are my initial impressions. Having just been subjected to Dashboard Confessional, the last thing I want to do is watch a lone man play by himself on stage for another song. Within less than a minute something is clearly different about Easyworld.

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Joining Dav Ford (vocals) are Glen Hooper on drums and Jo Taylor dressed in a school girl’s outfit on a keyboard. As Jo stands up to don her bass, the set really kicks it up a notch.

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The thing that puts Easyworld above others is the fact that one minute you have a piano-laden balad whilst seconds later, within the same song, a guitar tears down all conceptions of the band and song so far – setting off in a new direction. It is this juxtaposition that keeps you fixated, uncontrollably, of their set – not wanting to miss a single second of performance.

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As they continue through their set with melodic, penetrating bass lines and piercing – yet soaring vocals – the crowd are clapping and cheering as if there were no tomorrow.

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Keane may have currently packed the NME stage but there is no doubt that Easyworld’s performance will not only have been more varied – but far more talented than the more-mainstream chart-toppers who many people seem to think are the only band this weekend that can use a keyboard.

Dav interacts with the crowd in a way that a frontman should – he makes everyone feel like they are watching a group of friends rather than unattainable rock-stars. He chats with the crowd and interacts in such a way that you are almost left feeling that you’re invited to their dressing rooms after the show.

As the set finally draws to a close Jo looks at Glen giving a knowing smile. The smile has been present throughout tonight’s show – it’s as if she’s been trying to hold back a massive grin. It seems that, finally, the crowd have got the better of her and she can’t but help smile at her band-mate.

The audience are applauded by Jo as the set ends – and the crowd return the respect they’ve been given ten-fold.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 9 available.