Billy Idol Album

No. It is not a joke. Billy Idol is back with some new songs!

Looking at the cover will make you probably laugh as you get the feeling that we got stuck in the 80's. Billy Idol trying to look like a rebel. Well... sorry, it has the opposite effect.

We all remember those classical tunes: "Rebel Yell" and "Eyes without a face". Well this album is in the exact same moods, only some songs do sound different, but not always in a good way. Do not expect sophisticated lyrics or complicated guitar riffs...Remember we are back in the 80's!

This time, Billy Idol has tried different styles: don't expect a pure rock' n' roll sound as this album seems to be some kind of an experimental one, where the artist is searching his style, not knowing where he stands. At one point you even ask yourself if you are actually listening to Billy Idol as it has more a popish sound than a rock one.

You will even get the chance to hear a Christmas song (of course it is a Billy Idol way of celebrating Xmas), "Yelling at the Christmas Tree", making this album something to listen to the whole year round! Fantastic! But let's be honest, I didn't know at first whether it was a song to be taken seriously or not: with its bells, cheesy lyrics, etc.

On another track the artist has even tried the country style with "Lady Do or Die". I must admit that the tune is quite good, simple lyrics and music but enjoyable.

When it comes to ballads... Let's face it ...For Billy Idol it just doesn't work. His voice is not made for it. Even if the music sounds nice, his voice just messes it all up!

Overall the album is entertaining but once you passed the "wow the New Billy Idol album!!!!" you get bored quite rapidly. There is nothing original. But you have to acknowledge him that: he is probably the only artist who is able to put the devil in each and every type of songs: whether it is country, pop, or even a Christmas tune! After all these years in the industry, the grandpa of rock still has the energy (but does he use it properly? )!!