Make sure everything breakable is removed before you play this one

Mudvayne (and possibly your speakers) explode with a terrifying, tremendous, rip your fucking head off single. They display everything that's great about modern metal and rock music. From the outset they wield their axes like some musical equivalent of blood crazed Vikings backed up by head skimming, high impact, smart bomb drumming. All of this of course would be enough to make the neighbours complain when you lovingly place this piece of helicopter head case music on your stereo, but once you add in Chad Gray's devilish, screaming for blood vocals they will forget about it and move to some remote island. You will possibly be the main attraction for every metal head maniac for miles around for playing something that has 'class' branded all the way through it.

Mudvayne are a band with the musicianship and talent that means they can stand tall and flay axes with anyone else on the scene at the moment. Mainstream they ain't, but then again when has steel riveted metal ever been?